Lilypie Baby Ticker

Biting, Again

Bernard @ August 12, 2007, 11:35 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 year & 10 days old]

It’s been a little while since we’ve heard about any biting at daycare, but suddenly last week, we had three bite reports in three days. Miranda was the biter in all three reports, and Eleanor was the one who was bitten on the first day. We don’t know who was bitten on the other two days–we’re not told.

On the third day of biting, I came home from work while the girls were having their dinner. Agnes told me we had another bite report. I considered whether I should say something to Miranda. I wasn’t sure because 1) I’m sure Agnes already said something to her and 2) I’m sure it had been hours since the biting incident. Miranda’s pretty aware of things though, so I thought it was worth a conversation.

“Miranda, did you bite someone today?”


“Miranda, I don’t like it when you bite people. You shouldn’t bite people.”

Miranda didn’t say anything.

“Miranda, say ‘No biting people’.”

Miranda started to avoid looking at me, and started playing with a block on her tray.

I took away everything on her tray and said, “Miranda, say ‘No biting people’.”

Eleanor said, “No biting people”. Agnes picked her up and took her to take a bath.

Miranda just turned and stared at me. I repeated myself a couple more times, while she just looked at me. I’m pretty sure Miranda understood me just fine. I think she just didn’t want to say “No biting people” because she knew she did something wrong.

Finally, in a small voice, Miranda said “No biting people”. I said OK, and gave her back the things on her tray.

The next morning, Agnes had a talk with Miranda about biting as well, and so far we haven’t had another biting incident. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that she’s starting to get the message.

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