Lilypie Baby Ticker


Bernard @ February 11, 2007, 12:54 am -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 1 year, 6 months & 9 days old]

We bring the girls to the park on most weekends, and Miranda and Eleanor have been getting better at making their way around the playground. They know where the steps are, and which way to go to find the different slides. We don’t let them go down any of the slides unsupervised, and we put them in our laps for the larger slides.

In this video, Miranda is climbing the last bit necessary to reach the large spiral slide. Miranda seems to like climbing, and she’s pretty good at it. Fortunately, she still has no fear of climbing, even though she bumped her head last week while climbing on a chair at home.

[If you can’t see the Flash player above, you can download the video in XviD format: XviD (1.66MB).]

In the video, you can hear another woman telling her daughter (also named Miranda) to stay out of the picture.

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