Lilypie Baby Ticker

Corn Popper

Bernard @ August 16, 2006, 12:20 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 1 year & 14 days old]

In the month or so leading up to Miranda and Eleanor’s birthday, Agnes and I started thinking about the toys we liked as children. One of the toys that we recalled was something that you pushed back and forth and these small balls in a plastic dome would pop up as the wheels rolled. I couldn’t think of what the thing was supposed to be. An abstract lawn mower? A vacuum machine?

A little later, I was talking to Albert about toys and he said that he saw a “Corn Popper” push toy and asked if I remembered it. I guess it’s a corn popper–because everyone knows that you push along a popcorn popper…

Albert bought two of these corn poppers for Miranda and Eleanor. Miranda took to it right away, though she could initially only push it when she had both hands up in the air (even though she needs only one hand to push it). Eleanor didn’t seem that interested. In the two weeks since we got these corn poppers, Miranda has figured out how to push it without raising her other hand, and Eleanor has learned to play with it.

Here’s a video of Miranda from the first day we got the corn poppers.

[If you can’t see the Flash player above, you can download the video in XviD format: XviD (825 KB).]

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