Lilypie Baby Ticker

Daycare versus the Family

Bernard @ February 2, 2006, 2:29 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 6 months & 0 days old]

Well, that didn’t take long at all. After only two days in daycare, the girls are sick. We knew that by putting Miranda and Eleanor into daycare, they would be exposed to a lot more germs and that they would eventually come down with a cold (and probably many of them throughout the cold season), but it’s surprising that it happened quite so quickly. What a present for their six-month birthday.

The daycare center called us this morning saying that we needed to come take Miranda home. She has a fever of 101° F and daycare policy says that she needs to be free of the fever for 24 hours before she can return. She has a runny nose and she’s been sleeping a lot. Her appetite seems a little suppressed and she’s been spitting up a lot more today. After I burped her today, I put the bottle back in her mouth–she gagged, coughed, and everything came up. This is a picture of Miranda.

miranda sick

Eleanor seems to be doing a little better. She has a runny nose, but it’s clear mucus and doesn’t seem to really bother her. She’s been sleeping more as well, but otherwise seems to be in a good mood.

I caught the same cold as well. Fortunately, I can take Dayquil to treat my symptoms. I’ve been sleeping a lot, too. So far, Agnes seems to be the only one who hasn’t gotten sick (knock on wood).

I guess we should be consoled that the more colds the girls get now, the fewer they’re likely to get when they go to school. There’s also data to suggest that getting a few colds early on diminishes the likelihood of developing allergies later. These colds are good practice for their immune systems. Six months was pretty good for avoiding their first colds, but now that the first one is here, it might have been nice to wait a little longer.

By the way, our six-month pictures may be delayed by a day or two.

One Response to “Daycare versus the Family”

  1. Albert says :

    That is an adorable picture. I hope everyone feels better.

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