Lilypie Baby Ticker

Eighteen Months Old

Bernard @ February 4, 2007, 11:19 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 1 year, 6 months & 2 days old]

The girls turned a year and a half this past Friday! The pictures from the past month are up. We ended up taking fewer pictures than normal this past month. It has continued to be busy at work, and we dealt with a couple of bouts of getting sick again.

Both Miranda and Eleanor are walking more and more. They will occasionally resort to crawling to get somewhere quickly, but if I say “Miranda, stand up!”, Miranda will stop to stand up and walk. Eleanor’s probably a little more proficient at walking, but Miranda seems to walk more at daycare.

Miranda has twelve teeth: in front she has four on top and four on bottom, and she has four molars. Eleanor has one fewer tooth; she’s missing her lower left lateral incisor, still. She just got the one on the right at the end of this month.

We made another change to dinner time. Up until this month, we had been feeding the girls in their high chairs first, and then eating dinner after the girls were in bed. Late this month, Agnes tried pulling the high chairs up to the dining table and eating with them. It seemed to work fairly well, so we’ve all been eating dinner together recently. Sometimes we just eat a snack and then finish up dinner after the girls are in bed, but Miranda and Eleanor seem to like being at the table with us. The only problem is that there is a gap between the edge of the table and the pocket of their bibs where a lot of food falls. Cleaning has become a little more troublesome, but I think it’s a good change overall.

We noticed something about Eleanor’s speech this month. She tends to get the number of syllables correct, as well as the vowel sounds for words, but she seems to almost completely miss the consonant sounds. “Bunny” becomes “duddy” (or sometimes “daddy”). “Sun” becomes “nuh”. She’s been getting better over time, but it does still mean that only Agnes and I have any chance of understanding her.

Miranda’s pronunciation is quite a bit better than Eleanor’s, but she’s also more conservative about speaking up. Whereas Eleanor will try to say a word the first time she hears it, Miranda seems to wait until she has the sound straight in her head. It’s still not quite right, but it’s a lot closer. Her speaking vocabulary is smaller, but she can point out as many things as Eleanor.

We try to go to the park regularly. Miranda and Eleanor will both go down the smallest of the slides on their own (with our hands ready to guide them the entire way down). Then they’ll turn around and try climbing back up the slide. Last month we found a nice indoor playground, but fortunately, we haven’t had to use it. Being outside is much better.

The girls’ eighteen month doctor’s appointment is tomorrow. We’ll report back about their weight and height afterwards.

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