Lilypie Baby Ticker

Flower Experiment

Bernard @ March 13, 2009, 4:24 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 3 year, 7 months & 11 days old]

Two weeks ago, we went to the Farmer’s Market, and when we bought some flowers at one of the stands, the guy selling flowers handed me a closed lily flower and said that if I put it in a cup of water, it would open. I showed it to Miranda and Eleanor and explained to them that we needed to be careful with it, and keep it safe until we could put it in some water.

When we got home, I put it in a glass of water. Nothing happened that day. Nothing happened the next day. I think it was the fourth day that the flower suddenly opened all at once. We showed the kids how the flower finally opened.

On Wednesday this week, after the kids got home from school, Miranda picked a closed dandelion flower from our yard and asked Agnes if she could put it in some water to see it open. We weren’t sure it would work, but Agnes put it in a cup of water.

opened dandelion

The dandelion opened and went to seed overnight. This is a picture from the next day. I’m impressed that Miranda made the mental leap that the same technique should work with other flowers.

One Response to “Flower Experiment”

  1. Albert says :

    Yay Miranda! This is like the car moving and not the moon.

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