Lilypie Baby Ticker


Agnes @ March 25, 2009, 8:57 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 3 year, 7 months & 23 days old]

This was almost as exciting as when they first were potty-trained…

The other night, I awoke to the sound of the kids’ bedroom door opening. Then, the bathroom light turned on. After a few moments, the flush of the toilet. Then, the sound of the bedroom door again.

The next day, I asked them, “Did someone go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?”

ELEANOR: “I didn’t”.
MIRANDA: “I did! And I didn’t even tell Daddy!”

A bit of background–Bernard tends to them if they call out in the middle of the night. We decided this in advance for two reasons: 1. Bernard stays up until 1 am or later normally. 2. Since the kids are really clingy with me, we thought that my responding to them at night would give reinforce the “secondary gain” of seeing Mommy in the middle of the night. So, usually, the kids lie in bed and cry out, “I NEED TO PEE!” Then, Bernard has to get up and escort them to the bathroom. So Miranda was proud of her “not telling Daddy”. I gave her a high-five.

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