Lilypie Baby Ticker

Meeting the Twins (by Shane and Anna)

Anna @ December 28, 2005, 12:56 am -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 4 months & 26 days old]

During our trip down to LA, we were finally able to meet the twins–after reading so much about them growing up in this very blog. We had made certain assumptions about what each twin would be like, and were eager to see what the twins were really like.

So, we got to Torrance early to try to have breakfast before Albert had to leave for New York. Eleanor was awake then, so she was the one we met first. Eleanor was very responsive to people–we were both able to pick her up and she didn’t mind playing/laughing with us. We played for a while with the kids until Jon and Frances showed up. We realized that it’s MUCH more fun to meet the kids in person than online–and we compared them in terms of size, skin tone and demeanor. Eleanor looks much different in person than in the pictures, and when holding her, she was heavier and taller than Kali. Four weeks makes quite a difference. We also found out that Eleanor turned over for the first time the day before, so that was a big achievement! Right before we left for IHOP, Bern woke up Miranda–and she was still sleepy-eyed as we all drove to the restaurant.

The wait wasn’t bad–for a brunch at IHOP next to the Del Amo mall the day after Christmas! Too bad Albert had to take off for the airport before we had a chance to sit down and eat together. As in “Goodwill Hunting,” he had to go see about a girl. The three girls behaved very well as we ordered, ate and caught up on Jon’s work, life with kids, and updates on other friends. Miranda sat in her car seat most of the time, but when she did come out and join us, she just quietly hung out at the table looking around at everyone, and she also didn’t seem to mind being held by anyone. Eleanor sat on Agnes’ lap most of the time, and she seemed to enjoy the music around her, while we had Kali in the bjorn as we ate breakfast.

After breakfast, we went back to Bern & Agnes’ house to hang out. It was interesting to compare notes about how we raised our kids. We noted that the twins are very easy going and friendly: Miranda is very mellow, while Eleanor is the interactive one. Mind you, this was contrary to our expectations based on the blog. We thought Miranda would be the outgoing/active one while Eleanor would be the pensive one. We also thought that Miranda looked a bit like Jack (of Terry & Anne fame) from certain angles, while Eleanor has Agnes’ eyes. Eleanor “talked” (cooed) more than Miranda, and seemed to like face to face interaction, as opposed to Miranda who liked to look around the room. Miranda also has a softer voice, but Bern told us that she can cry a lot louder. After a couple of hours, it became fairly easy to tell the twins apart based on looks and personalities.

kali watching miranda drink from a bottle

(From Bernard: Kali is watching Miranda drink from a bottle.)

When it came to feedings, we were also amazed that they are taking 6 oz bottles at a time — much different from Kali nowadays (we were so jealous!). Of course, we made Kali watch and take copious notes about bottle feeding, hoping that it would help. Of course, in addition to bottle feeding, we also got a good perspective on what it means to “spit-up” after feeding. Miranda was very generous in giving us a couple of demonstrations….leading to 2 baths that day.

Also, having the twins pooping once every 2 days sounded real attractive too (as opposed to 2-4 times a day for Kali). We alternated putting the girls to bed (and we must admit the twins have REALLY cool mobiles!), but Eleanor was in a very playful — and non-sleepy — mood. Even fully swaddled in bed, Eleanor stared and laughed at the mobile for a good 15-20 minutes before closing her eyes. We were amazed how easily they were put down to sleep, too.

We talked and talked until we realized at 3 pm that we hadn’t had lunch. We made a quick run to the Greek restaurant while the girls were asleep. We watched as Bern and Agnes fed the twins, changed their diapers, and then were able to gulp down their food afterwards (apparently necessity breeds efficiency).

It was hard to say goodbye, but we had to meet some friends down at Irvine. Before we left, we had the 3 girls sit together for a photo session. It was pretty hilarious posing them holding hands, trying to get their attention. We got a good appreciation of how hard Bern and Agnes had to work to get the twins to pose for pictures — as it was nearly impossible to get all 3 focusing at once.

miranda, kali and eleanor

(From Bernard: That’s Miranda on the left, Kali in the middle and Eleanor on the right.)

Having said that, we haven’t tried to use the TV to focus their attention. We know that both Eleanor and Kali will get fixated when the TV’s on.

eleanor lounging on the sofa

(From Bernard: That’s Eleanor lounging on the sofa.)

Anyways, it was a great visit to see how well Bern and Agnes are doing with the twins. They have done a great job — and the twins are great babies. Can’t wait to see the twins grow up and have the girls play together!Shane and Anna (as guest bloggers)

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