Lilypie Baby Ticker

Month Twenty-Six

Bernard @ October 13, 2007, 3:05 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 year, 2 months & 11 days old]

The girls turned twenty-six months a little while ago, and we’ve posted photos for the month. We took relatively few photos this month.

There’s not as much to report on this month. Eleanor and Miranda each have had periods of time where they’ve been a little sensitive, but I chalk that up to them being two. It also is probably related to the recent problems we’ve had with them napping on weekends–they get crabby when they have no sleep.

We’ve noticed that Miranda’s pronunciation is generally better than Eleanor’s. For instance, I pulled out a pair of pants that had pictures of Mickey Mouse. Eleanor looked at them and said “gigamouse!” She continued to repeat “gigamouse”. I walked over the Miranda and asked her who was on the pants, and she said “Mickey Mouse” pretty clearly. They both say “hally birthday” though.

Miranda’s counting has been getting better this month. She can count items up to about six before she starts to have some trouble. When she’s just counting out loud, she’s been skipping from seven all the way to twelve. We’ve corrected her so many times that when she’s counting and reaches seven, Eleanor will chime in with an overly emphasized eight. Eleanor can count up to twenty, but in order to count that many items, she needs someone’s help to guide her finger to keep track of what she’s counted already.

Between the two of them, Miranda has been exerting her independence more. She always wants to do things herself. Eleanor is okay with us putting on her socks and shoes, but Miranda has to do that herself. Eleanor likes to be carried from our front door down the steps to the minivan, but Miranda has to do it herself. It has helped Miranda in that she’s more proficient at a number of things like dressing and undressing. Miranda can get completely undressed for her bath by herself. She can also pull down her pants, take off her diaper, and walk to the potty chair with her pants around her ankles. Miranda’s also okay at putting on her clothes, but tends to get stuck in her shirt still. Eleanor usually needs help with undressing and dressing.

Eleanor’s been a little less cautious about climbing on things recently. She’s always been pretty cautious, but she seems to be taking more chances recently. In the photos, there are pictures of her on a climbing wall, and standing on a slide. Neither of the girls liked their first ride on a carousel though. Agnes’ mom took them to South Coast Plaza where they have a big, but slow carousel. Eleanor clutched at the pole of her horse and cried her head off. Miranda quietly but firmly gripped the horse’s neck and wouldn’t look around. These horses didn’t even go up and down. We’ll have to find a smaller carousel for them to get acquainted to the idea better.

Eleanor can pedal her tricycle most of the time, but still scoots on it when she needs to turn. Miranda primarily scoots on her tricycle. Miranda is also less comfortable wearing her helmet. She fiddles with it more.

Next month we’ll have pictures of the girls’ Halloween costumes. We have them already, but we’ll leave the pictures until after Halloween.

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