Lilypie Baby Ticker

Nine Months Old

Bernard @ May 3, 2006, 11:46 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 9 months & 1 day old]

The girls turned three-quarters of a year old yesterday and we’ve posted the pictures for the month. While viewing the pictures, you should be able to use the left and right arrows to move between them, or the ESC key to get out of the album.

As compared to last month, Miranda has learned to push herself up to where she’s sitting. She can pull herself up so she’s standing while holding onto something, and she’s started to climb on top of things. Her crawl is okay, but she still resorts to an army crawl when she really wants to get somewhere. Eleanor hasn’t been doing any climbing, but her crawl is much better than Miranda’s. We’ve set both their cribs at their lowest settings.

This month we’ve been trying to introduce more finger foods. We’ve given the girls chunks of avocado and well-cooked potatoes. So far, the only finger foods Eleanor has been interested in are Cheerios and vegetable puffs. Miranda eagerly eats pretty much everything. Both of them can put food into their mouths pretty consistently, which is a significant improvement from last month where they were successful maybe only half the time.

In addition to repeating “deh deh deh deh”, Eleanor has been trying out her “F” sounds. It comes out as “pffff”. Today, Miranda did a couple of “wah”s and she started clicking her tongue. Clicking one’s tongue isn’t that useful for speaking any of the language that Agnes and I know, but it’s still pretty cool. Maybe she’s hoping to pick up one of the Khoisan languages where they use click consonants.

The girls still have no teeth, but we’ve been constantly watching for them. We’re sure they’ll show up some day.

One Response to “Nine Months Old”

  1. Anne Tsai says :

    Hi Bern,

    For the 8th and 9th month pictures on the main photo page, Miranda has the same sleeper on for both months. Thought I would point that out. :)


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