Lilypie Baby Ticker

No More Mobile for Miranda

Bernard @ March 7, 2006, 12:57 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 7 months & 5 days old]

Until recently, we’ve had a Symphony in Motion mobile above each of the girls’ cribs. We bought one and Sophia let us borrow the other. They’re nice–they play three different pieces of music and the dangling animals twirl around.

A couple weekends ago, I heard some noise coming from the nursery. I peeked in and saw that Miranda had reached up and grabbed her mobile and was yanking it over and over. She hadn’t quite brought it down onto her head, but it was pretty close. When I walked in, she stopped her yanking and turned to look at me. She just had a matter-of-fact sort of expression on her face. She wasn’t trying to play innocent or anything.

miranda and her mobile

I straightened the mobile and a little later we took it away. The base of the mobile that plays music is still there, but no swirling animals for Miranda. The mobile itself seems to be undamanged, which is good because it’s the one we’re borrowing. Eventually we’ll need to lower her crib mattress, but for now she seems okay without the mobile dangling above her. She has a rattle that is shaped like a duck in her crib, and when we put her to bed she grabs it and turns over to smother it.

We have a video clip of Miranda throttling her mobile. It’s available in a few different formats. The quality of the video isn’t significantly different from one format to another–just the file size and the video format.

One Response to “No More Mobile for Miranda”

  1. sophia says :

    yes, it’s time to lower the bed…

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