Lilypie Baby Ticker

Pressure to Draw

Bernard @ December 17, 2006, 1:04 am -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 1 year, 4 months & 15 days old]

We bought some Washable Crayola Crayons a couple months ago so that the girls would have something to draw with. These crayons are nice and thick and the marks they make can be wiped off of most things with a damp cloth.

Recently, we’ve been under pressure to draw. Eleanor will hand a crayon to us and make a noise. We’re supposed to take the crayon and draw something. If she recognizes it, she’ll say what it is, then hand us the crayon again to draw something else. If she doesn’t recognize our drawing, she’ll just hand us the crayon to try again. Talk about pressure. Neither Agnes nor I are particularly artistic, and crayons aren’t the best medium to work in. Miranda watches to see what we draw, but she doesn’t insist we draw anything. She’s more than happy to make her own marks with the crayon, or push the paper off of the table.

One thing I’ve been drawing is a turtle. The girls recognize a stylized turtle that I copied from a T-shirt I got from Hawaii. It’s the turtle on the left. Eleanor will say “tuh tuh” when she sees it.


The picture on the right is also supposed to be a turtle, but Eleanor will say “ee ee” (beep beep), which means she thinks it looks like a car. It’s a turtle, Eleanor! Well, after telling her that enough times, she’s starting to see the difference in how we draw cars and turtles.

One Response to “Pressure to Draw”

  1. Susan says :

    Check out the “how to draw …” series by Usbourne books on Amazon. It is for children but has helped me draw animals and other things.

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