Lilypie Baby Ticker

Some Drawings at Thirty-Two Months

Bernard @ April 3, 2008, 1:12 am -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 2 year, 8 months & 1 day old]

Agnes showed me some drawings that the girls did today, and I thought they were worth sharing. In these pictures, the green is Miranda, and the brown is Eleanor.

This first picture is Miranda’s rendition of an octopus. I can make out how it looks like an octopus. There are two eyes, a bulbous head, and a number of lines that could be arms.


This next picture is of two spirals. We’re not sure if they intended to draw spirals, but Eleanor’s (the brown one) is surprisingly clear. She holds her crayon more like a pencil. Miranda tends to hold her crayon in her fist.


After this next drawing, Miranda declared “I make a eddle”. Eleanor took a look at it and agreed “Miranda make eddle”. We have no idea what an “eddle” is, but they both were pretty sure that this is a picture of one. Is this a hint of the secret twin language?


Finally, we have drawings of cats. Agnes guided Miranda’s hand at drawing the cat at the bottom of the page. Miranda then tried another cat right above it, free-hand, and ended up with that trapezoidal shape with a face. Eleanor said “It need a bell” (as all cats wear bells around their necks, of course) and drew in the brown circles as bells. I’m not sure what that picture in the upper right or upper left is, but apparently the one in the upper right deserves a bell, too.


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