Lilypie Baby Ticker

No Teeth

Agnes @ May 27, 2006, 6:07 am -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 9 months & 25 days old]

Although we’ve been trying steadily to give the kids more and more finger foods, we’ve found that a major limiting factor is that our kids still have no teeth. Yes, they’re almost ten months and there’s no hint of a tooth anywhere. We didn’t realize this might be an issue until we looked back at pictures of their cousin Jared, who at ten months was happily eating corn-on-the-cob and gnawing on a pork chop. You can’t gnaw without teeth.

As a pediatric resident, I occasionally got questions about baby teeth, and in one instance, I ordered x-rays for a concerned parent whose 12 month old still had no teeth. (The x-rays showed the teeth right under the gum.) There are a number of genetic syndromes with delayed tooth formation, but I’m not too worried about those. There may be issues with speech development if our kids don’t get their teeth soon though.

Recently, Bernard saw something on this photograph that we had never noticed before.

bernard and albert

That’s Bernard at sixteen months with his brother Albert who is three and yes, Bernard has no teeth! Sixteen months! We asked his mom about it and she vaguely remembers that he didn’t get any teeth until after he was a year old, so he might have two bottom teeth that you can’t see in the picture. Oh well, I guess that explains that.

By the way, thanks for all your helpful advice both on the blog and in emails about making baby food. Now it looks like my hopes of them eating adult food by twelve months are unrealistic, and we’re seriously considering buying one of those handheld blenders, because who knows how long they’ll need to eat mushed up food.

2 Responses to “No Teeth”

  1. Philana says :

    Hahaha!! I was looking at this picture of Bernard and then scrolled down to the next post which happened to have a picture of Miranda (and some peas). It’s pretty obvious where she gets her looks from :)

  2. sophia says :

    don’t worry. they’ll come. they’re cute. which one would you rather have? no teeth or all 8 teeth at 8mo? hmmm…. oh… btw, i got the ergo baby carrier for ethan b/c the baby bjorn kills my back. i love it! thanks for the tip.

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