Lilypie Baby Ticker

Eating What We Eat

Bernard @ May 21, 2006, 9:47 pm -- [Eleanor and Miranda are 9 months & 19 days old]

In our last food update, Agnes talked about how the girls don’t yet eat what we eat. We’ve been preparing them finger foods so that the girls can move on from the jars of baby food, but it’s still different from what we eat. This past week, we finally all shared a meal together.

When we tried to think of something mushy enough that Miranda and Eleanor could eat it without problem, split pea soup came to mind. We like split pea soup, but we don’t make it very often. We normally add salt and pepper right at the beginning of the recipe, but since we were all going to eat this, we didn’t put in any salt or pepper at all until the soup was served. We had salt and pepper in our soup. The girls had none–they can have salt and pepper when they’re older. Babies get enough salt in their diet as it is, and they might find the pepper too strong.

miranda with split pea soup

Miranda liked her split pea soup well enough. Unfortunately, she got her hands on the container we were using to feed her and made a bit of a mess.

eleanor with split pea soup

Eleanor was a little less certain about the split pea soup. She willingly ate her portion, but she made this face every time she had more in her mouth.

Overall it was a success! Unfortunately, Agnes and I can’t always eat food this mushy, but eventually the girls will get better at eating and we’ll be having more and more of the same foods.

2 Responses to “Eating What We Eat”

  1. Geni says :

    Hi Agnes & Bernard!
    I love your blog and seeing your girls grow up. I’ll be in the U.S. this summer and will try to make it down to S. CA with my boys to visit.

    Anyway, with regards to food, you MUST invest in a hand immersion blender (Braun makes great ones, about $30-50 depending on model). It’s easily my favorite kitchen appliance and I used this practically every day when my kids were starting solids. You can puree little (or big) portions of regular table food in it and feed it to your girls, adding water/broth as needed, and pulsing the blender to get the appropriate consistency (chunky to smooth). It’s so much better than store-bought baby food.

    A funny story… a few years ago, my father-in-law visited us right after having had major dental work. He couldn’t chew anything and was basically on a liquid/soft diet. So one night, he pureed our dinner of grilled salmon, roasted potatoes, and stir-fried spinach & asparagus together and ate it happily, proclaiming it one of the best meals he’d ever eaten.

    Have fun!

  2. sophia says :

    i second that… get the ones with different attachments…

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